My legs did recover Running up the hill did not "kil"l me! At the end of the 1st mile at the highest point, I was in top 10 or so, and
my time was 6:43. When I startted thinking about speeding--up while running back down, I had to slow down. I did think
about messing the back--side of my pants, but the pain in my belly did become too much to handle, and I did walk the last
half to a 3/4 of a mile. I did stop and I did stay in the woods for a couple minutes. My final time was 18:17!
I did recover a little. I did perform 7 cheanup's, 60 situp's, and I did quit after 25 pushup's. In the mean time
my wife's daughter and I have eaten half--a--dozen donuts and did place her little boy in the swing!
It was fun!
Most Honorable Polish Military Rank |
In History, Polish Chorazy's ethics have been beyond reproach! |
Anthem of sovereign Poland. Slower versions have been used to please foreign overloards of Poland (1948-1989--Soviets and
General Maczek and his men: the only Polish commander undefeated in 1920 and 1939 and 1940 and until the end of World War
Two. (AND--Logical)
================================================================================================== An Example of Ethnic Violence
during World War Two within the borders of the pre--War Poland:
Do Progressives tell mistruths?
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Because I did learn how to shoot M-16, Super Mini, and FN MAG
as well as German Weapons and many others at the age of 31-32 and did OK on the Army's Fitness Tests (my lungs as both compact
and huge -- a perfection in an imperfect body), this does not mean that I have always been able to do pull--up's.
When I was 18., I did reach 250 lbs being exactly 6 feet tall;
I did grow 1/2 an inch between the ages of 25 and 27, short NCO's would measure me at 6 and 1/2 inch tall and tall would write
me down as 6 feet and 1 inch tall.
I could not run when I was 250 lbs heavy, but I did come back
by walking for nearly 2 hours a day -- there is nearly always a way, when there is a will!
Americans, Russians, Humanity have you been ready to die for one man?
Sounds insane, does not it? But it has come close to happen!
Any time there is even as much as attempt at life of either man (in this country, USA, or in Russia), the entire Earth
faces the possible wrath of the Empires: a nuclear or possibly even NBC Holocaust.
Why for one man?
Would the Red Chinese do it for their Chairman/President?
Would the Poles do it for their President, if they could?
Would the Israelis do it?
Are you ready to die for one man?
How could I even think like this?
Both Marine Corps and Army Infantry are treated worse than the rest (by the US Gov) (worse food etc.); it is not the
officer’s fault, they suffer with the Joes.
Do officers milk it?
I remember when at the Warrior’s Café, all officers avoided a station with scrambled eggs; officer Unger, who
did want to get the scrambled eggs, was chased away by the German civilian cook. I, being a soldier 24 hours a day 7 days
a week: paying attention to detail, asked the German cook to give me eggs without any extra crumbs in them. The cook found
a way of obeying instruction and satisfying me! He put crumbs on one side of the plate and the eggs on the other.
NOTA BENE: Numb Nuts! The Shot Card is for you! The government rather for you not to have any record!
I do believe that SPC Lindquist could have been retaliated against because he did make certain that not only he and
I had our shot cards being harried from an impromptu football game to the sick bay, but every single Joe.
No mark was made in our Shot Cards, and yes, we did ask questions.
90% of men and women who have got out from the US armed forces would still be serving this country, if not for the
Human Research; it is the greatest governmental waist, since through the association of President Kennedy, the NSA/Sundia/Sandia
Labs Complex did depose Mr. Edgar Hoover (de facto vice—dictator of the USA, not a de facto dictator for only one reason:
he was a homosexual), and relegated FBI to a secondary power amongst the federal agencies position.
A lot of job that they have done was “what if,” and may help US, possibly, if there is a limited nuclear
war, limited NBC war, or something similar to it; however, it is unlikely that the history will unfold in exactly such a manner
to make the Biomedical Unit within the Sandia/Sundia Labs into heroes!
I want a choice?
I want any one who pays taxes to be able to choose not to have to pay the portion spent on this particular classified
research group.
I do understand that the US Constitution does not provide for the Democratic state, just Republic, and there is no
such right as “freedom of choice,” but we do not have to limit ourselves to the Constitution.
Sincerely, Robert Kolakowski son of Stanislaw son of Jozef;
Born 28DEC73; Elizabeth, NJ, 07202.
How demoralized were the Poles by the late September?
Please show this direct quote to any Polish imbecile who believes
that nazi were cool. It should chill his or her enthusiasm (it is a quote taken from Hitler's speech just before the
invasion of Poland, and the so-called Armenian part is not quoted. Source: English Wikipedia)
Unsere Stärke ist unsere Schnelligkeit und unsere Brutalität.
Dschingis Khan hat Millionen Frauen und Kinder in den Tod gejagt, bewußt und fröhlichen Herzens. Die Geschichte sieht in ihm
nur den großen Staatengründer. Was die schwache westeuropäische Zivilisation über mich behauptet, ist gleichgültig. Ich habe
den Befehl gegeben — und ich lasse jeden füsilieren, der auch nur ein Wort der Kritik äußert — daß das Kriegsziel
nicht im Erreichen von bestimmten Linien, sondern in der physischen Vernichtung des Gegners besteht. So habe ich, einstweilen
nur im Osten, meine Totenkopfverbände bereitgestellt mit dem Befehl, unbarmherzig und mitleidslos Mann, Weib und Kind polnischer
Abstammung und Sprache in den Tod zu schicken. Nur so gewinnen wir den Lebensraum, den wir brauchen
ski vs ska
Robert Kolakowski son of Stanislaw son of Jozef; born 28DEC73; out
of Eugenia Kolakowska nee Zielinska; from Bialystok and Elziabeth, NJ, 07202.
Less important links:
Check it out--if you love True Freedom support this web site and buy below!
Marines say that they are number 1?
It is impossible, since no one has ever defeated (AT/SCOUTS HHC)
Once they defeat my favorite unit, they will be (future tense) number
There were three casualties (one more form HHC: the Scouts' Platoon
and another); I , representing AT/Infantry Platoon, was the most splendid of the greatest. This is why, they took the picture
of me; but any other year, they would have taken picture of either of them, if I were not present.
Robert Kolakowski son of Stanislaw son of Jozef; born 28DEC73;
out of Eugenia Kolakowska nee Zielinska; "ski vs ska;" from Bialystok (Podlasie, Poland) and Elizabeth (NJ/USA;
Moreover, I must give credit to the soldier or NCO who did take care of me in this picture;
he neither tried to puke onto me, nor did say that I was rotting from inside. He was as very calm and very professional.
I am the "casualty" in the 2006 Soldier/NCO Comp. |
within US Army Europe (The Best Casualty!) |
My OPFOR JMRC Hohenfels Uniform |
A Replica of 7th Serb Waffen SS "Bad Guys" |
My Class B Uniform From My Basic/AIT |
Music of my Childhood
Welcome to Running with a Joe.