Critique and more critique of the Polish--language historical books (in English)

Polish Tanks of September' 1939

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Click Below to go to a web site that has been accepted both by the Canadian History Channel as well as recieved numerous awards from the main stream History Organizations.
It does provide fair and balanced information about the Polish Armor in September'1939.
As a Polish man, I do prefer and over the US History and Military Channels.

The main reason for the Polish defeat during the Defensive War of 1939, besides being attacked by the Germans and Soviets, was disparity between the high international level of the nucleus of the military industry and, for the most part, not yet up to the high international standards (non—military) Polish industry that prevented mass production of the most sophisticated equipment. The production rate of the 7-ton Polish Tank (in fact 9.9 tons) was one tank a week – much too low, since those tanks were necessary and only around 130 were available as of September 1, 1939.


The fight between Germany and Poland was like a tennis match between Serena Williams (ranked 2nd) and Agnieszka Radwanska (ranked 13th); the Polish military was one of the more hefty military forces worldwide; however, it was barely making top ten.

A report was given to the French and the British  (not read by the French); it was a detailed analysis of the war in Poland in 1939 with conclusions on how to defeat the Germans. When the French refused to read the 1st report, a shorter version was provided, but the French refused to read it again. 

It seems that the deployment of the British forces mainly to the Low Countries was not an accident, but an attempt by the British to detach themselves from the reality that the French will try to fight the Germans using World War One tactics and that the situation of the British expeditionary forces will near certainly be compromised by the likely French failure.

The British, unlike the French, and like the US executive—branch of the Government (watch newsreels on the from 1939) looked at the rather quick defeat of Poland with fear (the British who before the very war bought some military equipment from Poland), and with concern (US: military industry goes into higher gear). Only a stupid man knows no fear: when the intelligence services of the Dual Empire US/UK might have done many politically motivated evil deeds, no one can beat the French when it comes to the Evil—doing.








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